Every single adult needs to have an advance health care directive written, signed and in place. This includes your children, as soon as they turn 18. This includes you. This includes your parents.
Without an advance health care directive in place, you will not have the right to access your child’s medical records, if they are unable to communicate permission. Without an advance health care directive, you would not be able to ensure your health care decisions will be made the way you choose if something happens to you. If your parents don’t have an advance health care directive, they will lose the ability to make their wishes known and the ability to remain in control of their health care as long as possible.
Everyone should have a conversation about advance health care planning:
1. Look inward.
Before executing an advance health care directive with the help of the Law Office of Keoni Souza, think about what you do – or don’t – want to happen if you were unable to make your own decisions. Think about the people you would want to carry out those decisions and if the person you have in mind will follow your wishes.
2. Talk to your family.
One of the most tormenting things for families is having to make health care decisions for a loved one by having to guess what they would want. Communicate your wishes to your family so you don’t put them in this stressful position.
3. Talk to your healthcare providers.
Let your primary physician and any other healthcare provider know about your wishes. Ask any questions to alleviate any concerns you or your family may have.
4. Execute your advance health care directive.
Once you have decided upon your health care options and have chosen an agent, meet with the Law Office of Keoni Souza to complete your official advance health care directive. Have copies made for your family and your primary healthcare provider.
This article is a service of the Law Office of Keoni Souza, LLC, an estate planning law firm in Honolulu, Hawaii. We don’t just draft documents; we ensure you make informed and empowered decisions about life and death, for yourself and the people you love. That's why we offer a Family Wealth Planning Session, ™ during which you will get more financially organized than you’ve ever been before, and make all the best choices for the people you love. You can begin by contacting our office today to schedule a Family Wealth Planning Session and mention this article to find out how to get this $750 session at no charge.
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